Magic Pixel | Kansas City Fighting Game Community Events

Welcome to the Kansas City fighting game community! This is a directory of events created for and organized by fighting game players in the greater Kansas City area.

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  • Tue 28 JAN

    Magic Pixel Weekly #84

    Frosty Faustings is behind us now. Come regale us with your tales of what was or what might have been on this final Tuesday of January. We’ll be hanging out and running brackets for TEKKEN 8, KOFXV, and UNI2.

    Also in the works is a Gundam setup! It’ll probably be MBON, but may be something special! If 2v2 arena battling sounds like your jam, come check it out, it’s a rarity to see in-person.

    TEKKEN 8The King of Fighters XVUnder Night In-Birth II Sys:Celes
    Magic Pixel Weekly #84 icon
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